run - jog - walk

FREE volunteer led 5Km & 2Km timed runs

We are  occasionally at the Rowley Mile Racecourse. Please check facebook to see our current location

Run Newmarket is a beautifully scenic run with fantastic views of the Gallops. Both routes are suitable for all abilities and ages.

Register for Run Newmarket

Run Newmarket is free and you only need to register once, you use the same number for the 2K or 5K

Register here


We always need volunteers!

Click for volunteers page

Get in touch


Sundays 11:15am

Find Us

Meeting point is at the bottom of Warren Hill off Old Station Road.

Click for courses page


Parking: Old Station Road.

WC: There are no toilets at the event.

Event Cancellations

In the unlikely event that the run is cancelled, an announcement will be made as soon as possible prior to the day of the event via our social media channels.



The 5Km (5,000m) is a one lap course and is a beautifully scenic run with fantastic views of the historic Warren Hill & Side Hill Gallops, Newmarket and the surrounding countryside. The route is suitable for all abilities and ages, but due to the sandy terrain, wheelchairs are not accessible.

The 2Km (2,000m) is a one lap course with fantastic views of the Gallops, Newmarket and the surrounding countryside. The route is suitable for all abilities and ages.